Coastal Hazards Wk13

 Equadors Coastal Hazard

    Ecuador is a popular travel destination for its beautiful volcanos, amazing jungles, Sandy coast, and tropical Galapagos Islands surrounding the country. With Ecuador's coastline spanning over one thousand miles, coastal hazards including erosion and coastal flooding do not discriminate against the coast of Ecuador. 

    Ecuador right now is in a severe erosive process where the land is deteriorating away due to big waves attacking the coast. Since global warming has become a bigger player rising sea levels have not helped Ecuador and the large threat of coastal erosion. The ocean is eating up the land around it tearing away beaches from the root of them crumbling away more and more soil. While the natural land is being torn away so are the homes close to the coast overnight there can be a large jump from how close a home is to the sea. Citizens' homes and lives are at risk of strong coastal erosion in their country because of pricing sea levels and strong waves.  (Images Links: &

       Coastal flooding is also a hazard that threatens Ecuador. Damaging floods are routinely expected to hit Ecuador causing severe damage. The sea level along with waves has only been rising since the El Nino phenomenon which has been the main cause of the higher levels of coastal erosion and put Ecuador at a higher risk of coastal flooding. These high sea level changes are very dangerous for the Ecuadorian that reside near or on the coast. The water can destroy their homes and their businesses effectively destroying their homes and in some cases, their lives. Ecuador has been called the worst coastal climate change zone by many articles with rising sea levels, Ecuador is sustaining much more damage and nothing can be done for the country. 



  1. I enjoyed reading about Ecuador and it's coastal hazards. Global warming has definitely been causing serious damage to our coast lines. Coastal flooding and erosion is something I never really thought of before I am glad it is being brought to my attention.

  2. Hi Ania,
    The information you provided in your blog was very interesting to grasp. I had no idea about Ecuador and the coastal hazards it is facing and has faced. The pictures also help create an imagery of the situation.

  3. Very interesting research. What are their mitigation efforts for this hazard?


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